Greatest Shock Moments Caught On Newscasts

VERY VERY ENTERTAINING You will find yourself ashamed for laughing out loud at some of the following examples:   A 1 year old baby getting snatched up by a lion as her mother screams Reporter brutally thrown off a horse Reporter casually stepping on what he thinks is a puddle and dropping 10+ feet intoContinueContinue reading “Greatest Shock Moments Caught On Newscasts”

Group of 16 people dine and dash on $420 restaurant bill! “Fuck yow mutha fuckin bill, I aint paying that shit”.

You have to be a real low life to “dine and dash”. Especially on a scale like this.  It’s not uncommon for a large group of African Americans to morph into an uncontrollable savage mob who feel as though they are not accountable for any of their actions. [arve url=”″ thumbnail=”” /] You can seeContinueContinue reading “Group of 16 people dine and dash on $420 restaurant bill! “Fuck yow mutha fuckin bill, I aint paying that shit”.”

Facebook VP of Ads: …the majority of advertising purchased by Russians on Facebook occurred after the election, were hardly pro-Trump, and they was designed to “sow discord and divide Americans”

In response to those who believe in the “Russian Collusion” conspiracy theory. Of note, Facebook VP of advertising, Rob Goldman, tossed a major hand grenade in the “pro-Trump” Russian meddling narrative in February when he fired off a series of tweets the day of the Russian indictments. Most notably, Goldman pointed out that the majorityContinueContinue reading “Facebook VP of Ads: …the majority of advertising purchased by Russians on Facebook occurred after the election, were hardly pro-Trump, and they was designed to “sow discord and divide Americans””

Orangutan Tries To Fight Bulldozer Destroying Habitat

GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAND Pretty badass Orabgutan to go after the claw on that machine and then even charge towards the cab section of the excavator. I do give credit to the workers for being as careful as they were not to hurt it. If this were in the DRC, Mali, orContinueContinue reading “Orangutan Tries To Fight Bulldozer Destroying Habitat”

CNN Producer Deletes Tweet After Sarah Sanders’ Scorching Fact-Check

THE AMERICAN PRESS VS. THE WHITE HOUSE It’s sad to see the press lash out at Mrs. Sanders in such a disrespectful way. This CNN reporter was basically told that he and his stories are of little relevance and no one at the White House, nor in the American public gives two shits about. reading “CNN Producer Deletes Tweet After Sarah Sanders’ Scorching Fact-Check”

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