Insane Hypocrisy From Frantically Drowning Democratic Advocates Bill says that its the Republicans who no longer care about the rule of law and have taken lawlessness to its extreme.  He actually said that.   Just replace the word republicans with the word insane post modern progressive democrats and you will have an accurate statement.  Dems have literally thrown federal law into theContinueContinue reading “Insane Hypocrisy From Frantically Drowning Democratic Advocates”

Mob of Privileged White Kids Surround Home of Pittsburgh Cop Who Killed 17yo Black Teen 1st Day on the Job

I’m ecstatic to see these pigs finally getting tagged with homicide charges for these insane acts of murder they have been getting away with for a while. This was a kid running away. The cop shot him in the back. Thats not allowed. But where are all the kids from the block at these protests?ContinueContinue reading “Mob of Privileged White Kids Surround Home of Pittsburgh Cop Who Killed 17yo Black Teen 1st Day on the Job”

What A Pile Of Shit Hillary Is: More Benghazi Horror Tales

I feel really bad for this guy.  I have a feeling there was another reason Hillary was so negligent with Benghazi.  That reason likely a very sketchy one that I won’t even attempt to ponder on. [arve url=”″ thumbnail=”4954″ width=”100%” /]

Using Her Body As A Baby Manufacturing Plant For Additional Welfare Benefits.

No one is going to make sure this child does her homework or stays out of trouble. She was bred to exist. Thats the problem with black culture. That’s why they will remain in the same socioeconomic layer they have since the terrible left winged policies following the civil rights movement.

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