D-Day Beaches Then And Now – Incredible Photographs Bring Past And Present Together

I hope Colin Kaepernick and the rest of the appointed NFL players get terrorized by the spirits of these fallen soldiers. [ TopBuzz [D-Day Beaches Then And Now – Incredible P…] http://www.topbuzz.com/article/i6564061305987138054?user_id=6489212005084300298&language=en&region=us&app_id=1106&impr_id=6564422925514983690&gid=6564061382688375049&c=sys

Scott Disick & Sophia Richie Back Together

Scott Disick & Sofia Richie ‘Hashed It Out’ After He Was Spotted Looking Flirty with Mystery Woman BY MELODY CHIU•@CHIUMELO AND AURELIE CORINTHIOS POSTED ON JUNE 7, 2018 AT 9:45AM EDT https://players.brightcove.net/416418724/default_default/index.html?videoId=5793521130001&amp=true&playsinline=true After hitting a bump in the road, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie‘s relationship is back to smooth sailing. Things took a turn lastContinueContinue reading “Scott Disick & Sophia Richie Back Together”

Samantha Bee’s Half-Assed Apology For Calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless CUNT”.

According to progressive hacks, if you don’t believe that a country should ever enforce immigration laws than you deserve to be labeled a “feckless cunt”. Bee has been in the headlines since last week, when she called President Donald Trump’s daughter — and senior adviser — a “feckless cunt” for not voicing opposition to herContinueContinue reading “Samantha Bee’s Half-Assed Apology For Calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless CUNT”.”

For Real? Blatant “Occultish” Behavior. I mean why don’t they just dress up as witches and wizards and stir a large boiling cauldron in front of the press?

What does this mean? Are these guys trying to look as evil as possible? Do they think we don’t see these? Do they even try to explain what they are doing? Something like this is probably so G rated compared to the atrocious acts they do behind the scenes that they just don’t even thinkContinueContinue reading “For Real? Blatant “Occultish” Behavior. I mean why don’t they just dress up as witches and wizards and stir a large boiling cauldron in front of the press?”

SpaceX Cancels Moon Mission

SpaceX Delays Sending People To The Moon Due To Extraterr… Um… ‘Technical Challenges’ Source: SpaceX Delays Sending People To The Moon Due To Extraterr… Um… ‘Technical Challenges’ SpaceX announces delays to Moon tourism project. Representatives from SpaceX have announced that the company has been forced to delay its plans to send private customers into orbitContinueContinue reading “SpaceX Cancels Moon Mission”

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